A lifelong Michigander that was born (1998) and raised in Coldwater, MI, a graduate of Adrian College, and a current resident of Lake Orion, MI.

Travel and work consume a lot of my time these days, but I find that being a blessing as they both have become apart of my passions. Over the past four or so years I have been lucky enough to visit some incredibly beautiful destinations, and some not so incredible or beautiful destinations (I’m sure you could guess which is which). Nonetheless, throughout my life I have been to a lot of cool places, met a lot of awesome people, have eaten a lot of interesting food, and so much more. When I do find myself in the “Mitten State”, I take up my other passions like golf, pickleball, skiing, friend time, family time, and the “recharge”, as I call it, where I spend some alone time around my house.

I pride myself on making my support system and those around me proud, that is my true motivator!



About Nolan Duda


Q: Please tell us a little bit about your family.

I have my two parents (Kami and Karl), my step-mom (Victoria), and five siblings (Tiffany, Addison, Mitchell, Violet, and Jacob)!

Q: Please tell us about your current, past, or future career. What do you love most about what you do?

Since graduating college in 2020, IdealTraits is all I have known in terms of my professional career! I was lucky enough to be brought on during the peek of COVID, and have not looked back since. The best part of what I do now is working with our team internally. The insurance industry is full of extraordinary people, and we are lucky to be within it, but the people we have at IdealTraits are what makes my job so enjoyable. To be able to lead, inspire, and motivate others with such likeminded ambitions and goals is truly what I love most about what I do.

How long have you worked in the insurance industry

Four and a half years.

Q: Who is the most interesting person you’ve met working in insurance?

Oof, over my time with IdealTraits I have met and worked with thousands of agents all across the country. Not sure I could pick one, but know there have definitely been some interesting folks!

Q: How has your engagement with the Independent Insurance Agents of Georgia (IIAG) impacted your career?

John Barbour was the first Big I State Executive I had the pleasure of working with in my time at IdealTraits and the relationship that has grown with not only him, but also his office has been a huge impact. With all of our efforts we have helped 65+ independent agents in Georgia find the right staff for their offices.

Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and why?

Sydney, Australia. Ask me to go anywhere outside of the United States or Canada and I’m down because I need to venture out!

Q: What advice would you give to people to succeed in our industry?

Listen as much as you can. There are so many interesting people with such interesting stories. You can learn so much from the varying paths people have taken to get to where they are now.

Q: What is something on your bucket list?

Travel to Europe!

Q: What is your go to band when you can’t decide what to listen to?

I’m big on hip-hop and rap so pretty much anything in either of those categories works for me!

Q: Name one or two people that made the most impact on your success in insurance? What qualities made them stand out to you?

Jeff Sophiea. Jeff and I originally met in college and have been best friends ever since. He is the one I owe my time at IdealTraits too because if it wasn’t for him I never would have landed here.

Q: If you could choose anyone that is alive today and not a relative; with whom would you love to have lunch? Why? Where in Georgia would you ask them to meet?

Tiger Woods and I would definitely be meeting up at Augusta National for lunch (maybe golf too?). If this is a basic golfer in Georgia answer don’t hold it against me since I’m from Michigan…

For Fun


Q: What is your favorite thing or something unique about the insurance industry?

Not sure if this is unique since all I have known is working in the insurance industry, but I love how relationship driven it is.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 5 to 10 years?

I see myself being a snow bird! Give me a house in Michigan for the unbeatable summers, and a house somewhere south for warmer winters and no snow. I’m tired of shoveling!

Q: (Even for friends or family), what is something interesting that most people don’t know about you?

I’ve never had a bloody nose, and when I was about five years old I almost fell into the Grand Canyon.

Q: What is the most beautiful place you have ever been?

Either Monterey, CA or Fenway Park

Q: Favorite month? favorite holiday? and best single day on the calendar?

Can’t beat Fourth of July folks!

Q: What would you rate a 10 out of 10?

The first NFL Sunday. So good.

Q: Who inspires you to be better?

My Parents. They are the epicenter of my support system. From a young age they taught me respect, compassion, resilience, and so much more. I owe who I am today, and who I will be moving forward to them.

Q: Finally, what 3 words or phrases come to mind when you think of the IIAG community?

Unlike any other!



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